Saturdays & Sundays
10:45 am
About This Tour
Boston’s newest official Freedom Trail Tour! The Foundation’s Rainbow Revolutionaries Tours illuminate the lives, loves, and fights for liberty of Boston’s LGBTQ+ community, and explore how queer individuals have been making history for centuries. Uncover the history of Boston Marriages, political milestones for LGBTQ+ rights, and the storied romances of some of Boston’s most famous individuals, from literary giants to a world-renowned actress, and even a Revolutionary war hero. Join in to bring this history to life and celebrate Pride by discovering the achievements of the people who have always been a part of and have helped shape Boston.
Group Tour Information
Private family or corporate groups may request specific tour dates and departure times here or by calling (617) 357-8300.
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What People Are Saying
Email Review
Same-sex relationships and gender nonconforming people have always existed throughout history, but until recently, mentions of queer people in history have often gone overlooked. It's a privilege to bring these stories to light, and acknowledge the identities of people who may have felt hidden in the shadows during the time they lived in.
Programs Manager Catherine Benjamin

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