Named after shoemaker William Copp, Copp’s Hill Burying Ground is the final resting place and burying ground of merchants, artisans, and craftspeople who lived in the North End.

Visiting Copp's Hill Burying Ground
45 Hull St.
Boston, MA 02113
Managed by the City of Boston's Historic Burying Grounds Initiative
Historic Burying Grounds Initiative
The Historic Burying Grounds Initiative manages sixteen burying grounds located throughout Boston.
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Copp's Hill Burying Ground in the North End.
Located on a hill on which a windmill once stood, the land was given to the town. Copp’s Hill was Boston’s largest colonial burying ground, dating from 1659.
Some notables buried in Copp's Hill are fire-and-brimstone preachers Cotton and Increase Mather, two Puritan ministers closely associated with the Salem witch trials, and Black Freemasonry founder Prince Hall. The burying ground also holds Old North Church sexton Robert Newman, the man who hung the lanterns on the night of Paul Revere’s midnight ride, and Edmund Hartt, builder of the USS Constitution. Countless free African-Americans are buried in a potter's field on the Charter Street side of the site. Because of its height and panoramic vistas, the British used this vantage point to train their cannons on Charlestown during the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775.

Tomb of Captain Daniel Malcolm