Partners & Sponsors

The Freedom Trail® Foundation works with many partners including important affiliations, thoughout the year to help promote and preserve the Freedom Trail and the 16 official Freedom Trail historic sites. Additionally, Freedom Trail Foundation sponsors support select marketing efforts, education programs, employee training or preservation efforts throughout the year.  Thanks to these partnerships, the Freedom Trail Foundation helps to welome over 4 million people annually to experience Boston's rich history. 

Partners & Affiliations

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Offical Freedom Trail® Historic Sites
City of Boston
Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism
MeetBoston - Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau
National Park Service

American Bus Association
Boston Attractions Group
Boston Preservation Alliance
Destination New England
Downtown Boston Business Improvement District
Edward Feather Photography
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Friends of The Public Garden
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Greater Boston Concierge Association
The Hampshire House - Cheers
Historic Tours of America - Old Town Trolley
Massachusets Lodging Association
New England Council
Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
Student Youth Travel Association


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The Hampshire House - Cheers
Tourism Cares - Globus
Massachusetts Convention Center Authority
Massachusetts Society of the Cincinatti - Freedom Trail Scholars Program
Boston Cultural Council - an agency which is funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council administered by the Mayor's Office of Arts + Culture - Freedom Trail Scholars Program
Union Oyster House